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Unsupported software goodies

©2001 by P. Blaha, K. Schwarz and J. Luitz

We link here to software (mainly developed by WIEN2k-users) which are either distributed directly by the authors or which we distribute ourself, but the software has (for one or the other reason) not been fully integrated into WIEN2k.


Xcrysden by T.Kokalj. Visualization of crystal structure, electron densitites, fermi surfaces. Highly recommended and integrated into w2web.

Vesta by Fujio Izumi. A very nice and flexible visualization program of crystal structures, can read case.struct files, edit structures, write cif-files, convert to different settings, display arrows and polyhedra. With it can also visualize 3D densities/potentials as well as colouring isosurfaces by another quantity. Highly recommended .

Kalvados, a free program for visualization and manipulation of crystal structures under Windows. It can read/write wien2k struct files directly and convert settings.
Crystalmaker, a commercial program for visualization of crystal structures under Windows and Mac. It can read wien2k struct files directly.
Atoms + Cryscon, a shareware program for visualization of crystal structures and conversion to different settings under Windows and Linux. It can read/write cif and wien2k struct files directly.

Spaghetti-primavera An alternative to spaghetti, can produce multicolor plots indicating the band-character including arbitrary combinations and several characters at once (see Fig.2 of PRL 101, 026406 (2008)), but requires to understand some basic FORTRAN. Contributed by Maurits Haverkort (MPI Stuttgart). Same as above, but with a very convenient Python-wrapper. It was developed by Elias Assmann ( and updated 16.Nov.2015).

Plotgenc, a simple b/w interactive 2D-contour plot program (based on routines by K.Hermann, modified by P.Blaha) which can read the WIEN2k case.rho files. Requires the "pgplot"-library, which is included for 64-bit Suse-12.2, compiled with gfortran and gcc. Useful tips for installing the pgplot-library can be found at here
wien2dfsdx, an interface package for making 2D fermi surface plots with OPENDX (dx). (by Gavin Abo, Here is the pdf Users-guide.
IRGrace, a package for making grace files from data files (by Morteza Jamal, Here is the pdf Users-guide.
JPlot (by Adlane SAYEDE,, a Perl/JavaScript library that produce interactive charts for WIEN2K code. It produces the same kind of plots (Density of States, Bandstructure, Optical properties and Electron density plots) as the native WIEN2K (w2web) interface but with no 3rd party program (i.e. gnuplot).


GAP2: GW with Augmented Planewaves by Hong Jiang. This is a very accurate GW code based on WIEN2k, which allows to obtain fully converged benchmark GW calculations. However, it requires large computational ressources.

fold2Bloch by A. Bokhanchuk, E. Assmann, S. Jamil Ahmed and O. Rubel (please cite: O. Rubel, A. Bokhanchuk, S. J. Ahmed, E. Assmann, Physical Review B 90 (2014) 115202, (, Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 114604 (2018) and Computer Physics Communications 291, 108800 (2023). This software allows to unfold ("backfolding") the electronic band structure of supercell calculations for impurities/vacancies or magnetic superstructures.

Woptic by E. Assmann, P. Wissgottl (please cite: E. Assmann, P. Wissgott, J. Kuneš, A. Toschi, P. Blaha, and K. Held: "woptic: optical conductivity with Wannier functions and adaptive k-mesh refinement" ((Computer Physics Commun. 202, 1 (2016) or arXiv:1507.04881. ). This software allows to calculate the optical conductivity, dc conductivity, and thermopower in the Wien2k ecosystem. Woptic builds upon the optic and wien2wannier modules of Wien2k, combined with Wannier90 and (optionally) an external many-body calculation, to work with the dipole matrix elements from optic in a basis of maximally-localized Wannier functions. Interesting features include:
* woptic can incorporate a local self-energy Σ(ω) from a many-body calculation such as dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT)
* it employs an adaptive k-integration scheme to sample the Brillouin zone efficiently
* it uses the full dipole matrix elements, rotated to the Wannier basis
* transitions beyond the Wannier orbitals can be included in an "outer window".

CFP by Pavel Novak (updated 5.1.2017). This software calculates crystal field parameters in rare-earth systems. It requires wannier90 and Wien2Wannier (see above). You can download here the usersguide (including a couple of references), a quick-guide as well as a talk and a paper by P. Novak.

TRIQS . Triqs is a DMFT (Dynamical mean field theory) software for the description of highly correlated materials. It includes an interface to WIEN2k.
DFT+eDMFT . DFT+eDMFT developed by Kristjan Haule at Rutgers University is a DMFT (Dynamical mean field theory) software for the description of highly correlated materials based on WIEN2k. It has a very good documentation and very interesting features including a total energy + forces for structure optimization of highly correlated materials.

Phonon by K.Parlinski. This software runs under Linux (or Windows) and allows to calculate phonons based on forces calculated by WIEN2k. Unfortunately, it is not a free software. An interface to PHONON is included in WIEN2k.
PHONOPY by Atsushi Togo. This package also provides the possibility to calculate phonons using WIEN2k . In addition, you may need the scf2forces utility.
PHON by D.Alfe, which, similarly to PHONON (see above) can calculate phonons using WIEN2k.

BoltzTraP2 by G.Madsen. This program calculates semiclassical transport (thermoelectric transport coefficients as functions of temperature and chemical potential in the rigid-band picture) based on a smooth Fourier interpolation of bands. It is the more modern implementation of the previous BoltzTraP code.
TRACK by Antik Sihi and Sudhir K. Pandey. This Python 3 based code, named TRACK (TRAnsport properties for Correlated materials using Kubo formalism) computes the temperature dependent electrical conductivity, electronic part of thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and Lorenz number by using DFT and DFT+DMFT electronic structure methods. In the present version, this code is interfaced with WIEN2k and eDMFTF codes. The work has been recently published in Computer Physics Communications 285, 108640 (2023).
LinReTraCe by M. Pickem, E. Maggio and J. M. Tomczak. The "Linear Response Transport Centre" simulates transport properties of solids, capturing quantum (in)coherence effects beyond semi-classical Boltzmann techniques, while incurring similar numerical costs. The algorithmic innovation is a semi-analytical evaluation of Kubo formulae for resistivities and the coefficients of Hall, Seebeck and Nernst. A code description can be found in SciPost Phys. Codebases 16 (2023) .

SKEAF by P.M.C. Rourke. This program extracts quantum oscillation frequencies and effective masses from calculated Fermi surfaces stored in the XCrysDen BXSF format (which can be produced by XCrysDen+Wien2k). Please cite: P.M.C. Rourke and S.R. Julian, Computer Physics Communications 183, 324 (2012). (The free arXiv version can be found here).

ATAT@WIEN2k by M. Chakraborty, J. Spitaler, P. Puschnig and C. Ambrosch-Draxl. This package provides an interface between WIEN2k and the "Alloy Theoretic Automated Toolkit" (ATAT) , which is a cluster expansion package for simulations of phase diagrams of alloys. It can be downloaded from here . Please cite: M. Chakraborty, J. Spitaler, P. Puschnig and C. Ambrosch-Draxl, "ATAT@WIEN2k: An interface for cluster expansion based on the linearized augmented planewave method", Computer Physics Communications 181, 913 (2010).

Critic2: a program for the topological analysis of solid-state electron densities; A. Otero-de-la-Roza, M.A. Blanco, A. Martin Pendas and Victor Luana, Comp.Phys.Commun. 180, 157 (2009) and A. Otero-de-la-Roza, E. R. Johnson and V. Luaña, Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 1007-1018 (2014).
This program can perform a Bader analysis based on densities from WIEN2k. It serves as a possible alternative to the WIEN2k program aim, in particular when you are interested in nice graphics.

ElaStic_1.1: a package for the calculation of elastic constants by R. Golesorkhtabar et al (R. Golesorkhtabar, P. Pavone, J. Spitaler, P. Puschnig, C. Draxl, Comp. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 1861).

Elastic constants: calculation of elastic constants in cubic, hexagonal, rhombohedral, tetragonal, orthorhombic and monoclinic systems . It was contributed by Morteza Jamal ( and has been added to the WIEN2k-distribution in 2014. When using it, please cite the paper in Journal of Alloys and Compounds .
IRelast: (Version 2022) is a package for finding elastic constants of cubic, hexagonal, orthorhombic, tetragonal, monoclinic and rhombohedral materials . It was developed by Morteza Jamal ( and is included in the WIEN2k_22 package. He also provides a couple of videos which can be downloaded here:
IRelast2D: (Version 2021) is a package for finding elastic constants of 2D-materials (surfaces). It was developed by Morteza Jamal ( For more information see J. Materials Chemistry C. He also provides a couple of videos which can be downloaded here:
ElaTools: a tool for analyzing anisotropic elastic properties of 2D and 3D materials. The program supports output files of the well-known computational codes IRelast, IRelast2D, and Elast of WIEN2k, by Shahram Yalameha et al., Comp. Phys. Commun. 271 (2022) 108195. It can be downloaded from GitHub.

Wien2Wannier by Jan Kunes and Philipp Wissgott. This software provides an interface between WIEN2k and WANNIER90. It allows to calculate and plot wannier functions, provides a basis for DMFT or Berry-phase calculations and with the included "woptic" package it can also provide optical properties. Except for woptic, Wien2Wannier is now inclded in the standard Wien2k-release and extra download is not necessary. (updated June 2015)
BerryPI by Oleg Rubel et al. (please cite: S.J.Ahmed, J.Kivinen, B.Zaporzan, L.Curiel, S.Pichardo, O.Rubel, Comp. Phys. Commun.184, 647-651 (2013) doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2012.10.028). This software calculates spontaneous polarization and Born effective charges using a Berry-phase approach. It also includes WloopPHI, a tool for identification of Weyl-nodes, Wannier-charge centers and Chern-numbers. It requires Wien2Wannier (see above). It is now part of the Wien2k-distribution and no extra download is necessary.
PY-Nodes by V. Pandey, S.K. Pandey (please cite: V. Pandey and S.K. Pandey, Comput. Phys. Commun. 283, 108570 (2023) or This is a Python 3 based code designed for searching nodes (bands-degenerate points) associated with two or more bands in a given material using the first-principle approach. The code searches efficiently nodes present in the topological semimetals such as Weyl semimetals, Dirac semimetals & nodal-line semimetals. The topological features of these nodes should be verified with other available codes, such as the WloopPHI code (included in BerryPI in WIEN2k, see above) for the Weyl nodes. The code is presently interfaced with the WIEN2k package. The algorithm of the code is based on the Nelder-Mead's function-minimization approach.
PH-NODE by P. Pandey, S.K. Pandey (please cite: P. Pandey and S.K. Pandey, Comput. Phys. Commun. 303, 109281 (2024) or This is a Python 3 based code designed for searching phonon nodes (branch-degenerate points) associated with two or more branches in a given material using the first-principle approach. The code is helpful in efficient searching of the Weyl phonons, Dirac phonons, and nodal-line phonons. The code is interfaced with the WIEN2k package. The algorithm of the code is based on Nelder-Mead's function-minimization approach. Interesting features of this code includes- 1. It is based on the first-principle approach. 2. It efficiently finds the coordinates of all the nodes present in the first Brillouin zone of a material with a good accuracy. 3. The nodes associated with the Weyl phonons, Dirac phonons & nodal-line phonons can be accurately obtained using PH-NODE code. The results obtained from the PH-NODE code are in good agreement with the experimentally and theoretically reported data for each material.


NOMAD Repository: The NOMAD Repository was established to host, organize, and share materials data. NOMAD copes with the increasing demand and requirement of storing scientific data and making them available for longer periods. This rule of good scientific practice is set by many funding agencies worldwide. NOMAD keeps scientific data for at least 10 years for free. NOMAD also facilitates research groups to share and exchange their results, inside a single group or between two or more, and to recall what was actually done some years ago. Upload of data is possible without any barrier. Results are accepted in their raw format as produced by the underlying code. The only condition is that the list of authors is provided, and code and code version can be retrieved from the uploaded files. These data can be restricted to the owner or made available to other people (selected by the owner). They can be updated and downloaded at any time.

SRC_RMTCheck: a package which checks the continuity of the density (case.clmval/up/dn or case.vresp) at RMT by comparing the LM and the PW expansion. It was contributed by Laurence Marks ( Here you can download SRC_RMTCheck.tar.gz .
SRC_mpiutil by Laurence Marks ( This package contains some utility programs (Machines2W) to generate a ".machines" file for the PBS and SGI queuing system. You may also have a look at our "faq-pages" , where you can find examples of scripts to be submitted to queuing systems like PBS, SGE (sun-grid engine) or the Loadleveler".

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©2001 by P. Blaha and K. Schwarz