Adding a new dimension to DFT calculations of solids ...
The 15th WIEN workshop deals
with density functional (DFT) calculations using the (full-potential) Augmented
Plane Wave plus Local Orbitals (APW+lo) method as embodied in the WIEN2k
code (or related topics).
The workshop covers three aspects:
Introduction to DFT, APW+lo, and WIEN2k
Applications using WIEN2k code (and related methods)
Lectures on and exercises with WIEN2k
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
16.00 to 19.00 Registration
after 18.00 Get together (light buffet and drink reception, which
will take place near the registration desk)
Part I: on Wednesday and Thursday
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Chairperson: Karlheinz Schwarz
8.00 Registration
9.00 K.Schwarz (TU Vienna):
Density functional theory (DFT) and the concepts of the augmented-plane-wave
plus local orbitals (APW+lo) method
10.00 P.Blaha (TU Vienna):
An overview of the WIEN2k package
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Exercise I (getting started, struct file, init)
14.00 P.Blaha (TU Vienna):
WIEN2k: input and output files (density, DOS, band structure)
15.30 Exercise II (volume optimization + force minimization)
16.00 Coffee break (during the excecises)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Chairperson: Karlheinz Schwarz
9.00 P.Blaha(TU Vienna):
Results and properties: supercells, forces, x-ray spectra, phonons,
iterative diagonalization
- 10.00 Karlheinz Schwarz (TU Vienna):
- 10.30 Fabien Tran (TU Vienna):
LDA+U and forces
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Exercise III (supercell and xspec)
14.00 Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl (Univ.Leoben, Austria):
The calculation of optical properties
14.30 P.Blaha(TU Vienna):
Installation of WIEN2k (procedure and computer requirements)
15.00 Exercise IV (optics and magnetism)
16.00 Coffee break
Part II: on Friday and Saturday
Friday, March 28, 2008
Chairperson: Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl
- 9.00 Robert Laskowski (TU Vienna):
Spin-orbit coupling and non-collinear magnetism
- 9.45 Karlheinz Schwarz, R.Laskowski, P.Blaha (TU Vienna):
Nanomesh: h-BN on transition metal (111) surfaces
- 10.30 Coffee break
Chairperson: Pavel Novak
- 11.00 Jan Rusz, S.Rubino, P.Novak (Uppsala, Sweden):
DFT simulations of ELNES amd EMCD
- 11.30 Fabien Tran (TU Vienna):
Jahn-Teller distortion in PrO2
- 12.00 Lorenzo Pardini, V.Bellini, C.Ambrosch-Draxl, F.Manghi (Modena, Italy):
XMCD spectra of bulk transition metals
Chairperson: Peter Blaha
14.00 General discussion on WIEN2k (P.Blaha, K.Schwarz, C.Ambrosch-Draxl, R.Laskowski)
(questions, problems, suggestions, etc)
14.30 Micro POSTER presentation
Maximum is 2 minutes per poster (power point presentations)
15.00 POSTER session
Coffee during the poster session
16.00 Exercise V (LDA+U, spin-orbit coupling)
18.00 departure for "Heuriger" (Viennese wine tavern)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Chairperson: Peter Blaha
- 9.00 Stefaan Cottenier, D.Torumba, P.Novak (RWTH Aachen, Germany):
Hybrid exchange-correlation functionals applied to hyperfine interactions at
actinitde impurities in Fe
- 10.00 Pavel Novak, J.Rusz (Prague, Czech Republic):
Updated QTL program
10.30 Coffee break
Chairperson: St. Cottenier
- 11.00 Ricardo Gomez Abal (Fritz-Haber Institut Berlin, Germany):
The all-electron GW method based on WIEN2k
- 11.45 Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl (Univ. Leoben, Austria):
Excitonic effects in semiconductors
12.30 K.Schwarz (TU Vienna):
Closing remarks
The poster boards are 2m high and 95 cm wide.
Seung Su Baik (Pohang, South Korea):
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of spinel FeCr2S4
and monoclinic FeCr2Se4
Karel Carva, I.Turek (Uppsala, Sweden):
Bulk and epitaxial Co2MnSi systems: ab intio calculations
Hongchul Choi (Pohang, South Korea):
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of MnV2O4
and monoclinic FeCr2Se4
Martin Divis (Prague, Czech Republic):
Electronic structure and magnetism of UCoGe from first principles
Kataryna Foyevtsova, H.Jeschke, R.Valenti (Frankfurt, Germany):
Comparative ab initio calculations of Ca2CuCl4 and
Cs2CuBr4 electronic properties
Nataliya Goncharuk, L.Smrcka, J.Kucera, V.Holy, K.Olejnik, V.Novak (Prague, Czech Republic):
XANES at the Mn-K-edge in (Ga,Mn)As diluted magentic semiconductors
S. Cottenier (RWTH Aachen, Germany), Katrin Koch (Dresden, Germany):
Electron penetration in the nucleus and its effect on the
electric field gradients
Rajendra Kothari, M.Sharma, B.K.Sharma (Rajasthan, India):
Application of Compton scattering in studies of the electronic structure of materials
Oleg Rubel, I.Nemth, A.Szajek (Marburg, Germany):
Modelling the compositional dependence of electron diffraction in
GaAs. and GaP-based compound semiconductors
Markus Valtiner, G.Grundmeier (Düsseldorf, Germany):
Hydroxide adsorption on ZnO(0001) surfaces
Miroslaw Werwinski, A.Szajek (Poznan, Poland):
The electronic and magnetic properties of UPdAs2
©2001 by P. Blaha and K. Schwarz