Adding a new dimension to DFT calculations of solids ...
WIEN2007 - W O R K S H O P Hands on workshop on the WIEN2k packagePenn State University, University Park, PA, USA Chairman: J. Sofo (Materials Simulation Center, PennState)
AnnouncementThe third US workshop on the WIEN code is a hands-on activity dedicated to teach the use of the WIEN2k Density Functional Theory Package. WIEN2k is one of the most popular electronic structure codes used to perform calculations with the Full Potential LAPW method. The workshop is a unique opportunity to learn the use, power and limitations of the package with tutoring by the authors and developers of the code. The activities will be aimed at graduate students and researchers from industry and academia. The only pre-requisite is to have a basic knowledge of solid state physics, and chemistry. It is planned as a four-day activity with lectures on the method, the scientific concepts, applications, hand-on activities on selected examples, and the opportunity to receive a head start on a personal project. This year the participation is limited to 40 people.For more information on WIEN2k see the WIEN2k Homepage Topics of the workshop
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