Adding a new dimension to DFT calculations of solids ...
Scientific programme:
This nineth WIEN workshop deals
with density functional (DFT) calculations using the (full-potential) Augmented
Plane Wave plus Local Orbitals (APW+lo) method as embodied in the WIEN2k
code (or related topics).
The workshop covers three aspects:
Introduction to DFT, APW+lo, and WIEN2k
Applications using WIEN2k code (and related methods)
Lectures on and exercises with WIEN2k
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
16.00 to 19.00 Registration
after 18.00 Get together (light buffet and drink reception, which
will take place near the registration desk)
Part I: on Wednesday and Thursday
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
Chairperson: Karlheinz Schwarz
8.00 Registration
9.00 K.Schwarz (TU Wien):
Density functional theory (DFT) and the concepts of the augmented-plane-wave
plus local orbitals (APW+lo) method
10.00 P.Blaha (TU Wien):
An overview of the WIEN2k package
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Exercise I (getting started, struct file, init)
14.00 P.Blaha (TU Wien):
WIEN2k: input and output files (density, DOS, band structure)
15.30 Exercise II (run first examples)
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Chairperson: Karlheinz Schwarz
9.00 P.Blaha + J.Luitz (TU Wien), Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl
Results and properties: supercells, spin-orbit, LDA+U, forces,
x-ray spectra
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Exercise III (run first examples)
14.00 Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl (Univ.Graz):
The calculation of optical properties
14.30 P.Blaha(TU Wien):
Installation of WIEN2k (procedure and computer requirements)
15.00 Exercise IV (run and analyze test cases)
16.00 Coffee break
Part II: on Friday and Saturday
Friday, April 25, 2003
Chairperson: Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl
- 9.00 David A. Pankhurst, D. Nguyen Manh, D.G.Pettifor (Oxford, UK):
Phase stability of transition metal disilicides
- 9.30 Torsten Andersen (Uppsala, Sweden):
Nonlinear bulk- and surface (magneto-) optics using WIEN2k
- 10.00 Bernd Olejnik, K.Schwarz, P.Blaha (TU Viena, Austria):
Non-linear optics
- 10.30 Coffee break
Chairperson: Peter Blaha
- 11.00 Krzysztof Parlinski (Cracow, Poland):
Phonon calculations by direct methods
- 11.40 Peter Blaha (TU Vienna, Austria):
Phonons with WIEN2k
- 12.00 J.Manu Perez-Mato, P.Blaha, M.Aroyo, K.Schwarz, K.Parlinski (Bilbao, Spain):
The mechanism of ferroelectricity in Aurivillius materials
12.30 Lunch (Mensa)
Chairperson: Karlheinz Schwarz
14.00 General discussion on WIEN2k (P.Blaha, K.Schwarz, G.K.H.Madsen,
D.Kvasnicka, J.Luitz)
(questions, problems, suggestions, etc)
14.20 Micro POSTER presentation
Maximum is 2 minutes (3 transparencies) per poster
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 POSTER session
18.00 departure for "Heuriger" (Viennese wine tavern)
Saturday, April 26, 2003
Chairperson: J.Manu Perez-Mato
- 9.00 D.Torumba, Stefaan Cottenier, M.Rots (Leuven, Begium):
Hyperfine fields of lanthanides and actinides in Fe
Orbitally dependent potentials in the WIEN code
- 9.30 Cécile Hébert, J.Luitz, P.Schattschneider, (TU Vienna, Austria):
Simulation of ionization edge structure
- 10.00 Georg Madsen (Aarhus, Denmark):
Transport properties and thermoelectrics
10.30 Coffee break
Chairperson: St. Cottenier
- 11.00 Robert Laskowski, P.Blaha, K.Schwarz, (TU Viena, Austria):
Non-collinear magnetism
- 11.40 Andrew Smith (Monash Univ. Victoria, Australia):
Fermi surface calculations compared with photoemission results for
- 12.00 Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl (Univ.Graz):
Excitonic effects in semiconductors
12.30 K.Schwarz (TU Wien):
Closing remarks
The poster boards are 2m high and 95 cm wide.
Pio Bättig, C. Daul, N. Hill (Fribourg, Switzerland):
Prediction of magnetic properties of
Florian Clerc, M.Bovet, C.Koitzsch, L.Despont, D.Naumovic,
H.Berger, P.Aebi (Neuchatel, Switzerland):
1-T TaS2 and 1-T-TaSe2: Quasi-two-dimensional
materials with CDW instability
Rosangela de Paiva, J.L.A.Alves, R.A.Nogueira, L.M.R.Scolfaro,
J.R.Leite (Belo-Horizonte, Brazil):
Diluted magnetic Ga1-xMnxN alloys:
A first principles study
Leonardo Di Giustino, V.Bellini, F.Manghi (Modena, Italy):
First principles study of the electronic properties of ultrathin
Fe layers on NiO
Idoia G. Gurtubay, A.G.Eguiluz, O.D.Restrepo, Wei Ku, J.M.Pitarke,
B.C.Larson, J.Z.Tischler, P.Zschack (Bilbao, Spain):
Ab initio calculations of electron-hole excitations in 3d transition
Alaa S. Hamid, S.Tanigawa, T.Arima (Cairo, Egypt):
Spin dependence of the perovskite manganite compound
La1-xSrxMnO3 from 2D-ACAR
Kerstin Hummer, P.Puschnig, C.Ambrosch-Draxl (Graz, Austria):
Electronic properties of oligo-acenes
Kevin Jorissen (Antwerpen, Belgium):
Ab initio calculations of ELNES in channeling conditions
Vicki Keast (Sydney, Australia):
Experimental and theoretical ELNES from InGaN quantum wells
Markus Lauer, R.Valenti (Saarbrücken), H.C.Kandpal,
First principles electronic structure of spinel
LiCr2O4: A possible half-metal?
Dung Ly, I. Morrison (Manchester, UK):
First principles calculations of the structural and electronic
properties of V2H
Anja-Verena Mudring, John Corbett (Ames Lab, Iowa State Univ. USA):
Unexpected properties on Zintl phases
Hedi Romdhani, R. Bennaceur (Tunis, Tunesia):
Band structure and density of states of a semiconductor by wien code
Angela Rosin, C.Röhr (Freiburg, Germany):
Alkaline metal stannides and plumbides -- Electronic structure of
phases at the border of the Zintl concept
Mohammed Sahnoun, C. Daul (Fribourg, Switzerland):
Elastic-properties calculations using FP-LAPW method for B1-structure
type of Tantalum carbide
Hamdolloh Salehi, S.M.Hosseini, N.Shahtamaasebi (Iran):
Calculation of electronic structure of paraelectric BaTiO3
Klaus-Dieter Schotte, C.-T. Liang (FU Berlin, Germany):
Jahn-Teller Effect with the WIEN code
Jürgen Spitaler, C.Ambrosch-Draxl, E.Sherman (Graz, Austria):
Electronic properties and phonons of the vanadium ladder compounds
NaV2O5, CaV2O5, and
Pawel Starowicz, O.Gallus, Th.Pillo, Y.Baer (Neuchatel, Switzerland):
Size effect in photoemission of one-dimensional metals
Gerd Steinle-Neumann, R.E,Cohen, L.Stixrude (Bayreuth, Germany):
Magnetism in dense hexagonal iron ?
R.K. Thapa, N.Kar (Mizoram Univ, India):
Photoemission calculations by using Muffin-Tin Potential Formalism
Tasunori Tochio, (Kyoto, Japan) Y.Ito, E.Y.Sherman, C.Ambrosch-Draxl,
A.M.Vlaicu, S.Fukushima, S.Yoshikado, T.Shoji:
K-alpha X-ray emission spectra of Cr compounds
Doru Torumba, S.Cottenier, M.Rots (Leuven, Begium):
An ab initio study of the temperature dependence of electric-field
gradients in metals: working plan and first tests
Veerle Vanhoof, S.Cottenier, M.Cakmak, M.Rots (Leuven, Begium):
The initial stages of formation of Co-clusters in bulk Ag
Marc Willinger, D.S. Su, N. Pinna, R. Schlögl
(FHI, Berlin, Germany):
Ab-initio band-structure calculations on a new polymorph of
Shrif Yehia, S. Aly, M. Mahgoobi (Cairo, Egypt):
A statistical mechanics based model for uniaxial ferromagnetic systems
©2001 by P. Blaha and K. Schwarz