Adding a new dimension to DFT calculations of solids ...
9th WIEN - W O R K S H O P
L/APW+lo calculations with the WIEN2k code
April 23-26, 2003
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Chairman: K.Schwarz (TU Wien)
This workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to learn how density functional calculations
can be done for solids using the "(full-potential) Augmented Plane Wave and local orbitals"
method (L/APW+lo) as embodied in the WIEN2k code.
Presently this code is used by more than 500 groups worldwide.
The workshop will be divided into two parts. The first part targets
the new and unexperienced user, while in the second part experienced
users can present their results demonstrating the kind of physics made
possible by this code. In addition new and future features of WIEN2k
will be presented and discussed.
For more information on WIEN2k see the WIEN2k
Topics of the workshop
Part I (mainly for new users): 23. and 24. April
- Introduction to density functional theory
- Introduction to the APW method, the local orbitals and the linearization
- Concepts of APW+lo in WIEN2k
- Use of the web-based graphical user interface (w2web)
- "Hands-on" calculations with the WIEN2k code
Part II (also for experienced researchers): 25.
and 26. April
- New features in WIEN2k (non-linear optics, non-collinear magnetism, phonons, ...
- Results obtained by WIEN2k and related topics (contributions by
- Poster session
- discussions and exchange of experience between users and developers
Here you can download some talks in various formats
General Information:
Date: April 23-26, 2003
Arrival:Tuesday, April 22 (registration from 4 to 7 p.m., informal
- Begin of workshop: Wednesday morning (April 23 at 9 a.m.)
- End of workshop: Saturday noon (April 26)
- Departure: Sunday, April 27 (e.g. for APEX flights)
Social event: Friday evening, April 25, 2003
- "Heuriger":(Viennese wine tavern; included in registration
Web page information in English
Conference site:
The conference will take place at the TU Wien
(Vienna University of Technology)
Located near the center of the city (see map).
- TU Wien
- 1040 Vienna
- Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8
- Computer terminals for 50 persons have been reserved.
Information about Vienna
Click here for a list of recommended hotels
of various price categories. Early reservation is highly recommended.
Online Registration:
Please register using the following REGISTRATION
Deadlines: please register as soon as possible
but before April 1, 2003
regular fee: part I and II : 160 Euro
part II only: 80 Euro
accompanying person: 40 Euro
The fee should be paid
- in cash at the workshop (prefered)
- by Creditcard (VISA or Mastercard only): Please send a fax (or email) to
+43-1-5880115698 or kschwarz@theochem.tuwien.ac.at
with the following information:
- type of card
- name of cardholder
- cardnumber
- expiration date
- amount
- by bank money transfer to
- Account number 025-64793
- Erste Bank (BLZ 20111)
- Wiedner Hauptstraße 20
- A-1040 Vienna, Austria
- IBAN (intern. bank account nr.) AT19 2011 1000 02564793
Further information can be obtained from
- Prof. K. Schwarz
- Technical University Vienna
- Institute for Materials Chemistry
- Getreidemarkt 9/165-TC
- A1060 Vienna Austria
- Email: kschwarz@theochem.tuwien.ac.at
- Fax: +43 (1) 58801 15698
©2001 by P. Blaha and K. Schwarz