Adding a new dimension to DFT calculations of solids ...
The development of WIEN2k was made possible by support from many sources. We try to give credit to all who have contributed.
We hope not to have forgotten anyone who made an important contribution for the development or the improvement of the WIEN2k
code. If we did, please let us know (we apologize and will correct it). The main developers in addition to the authors are the
following groups:
- G. Abo (Univ.Alabama): numerous bug fixes, outstanding contributions to the mailing list
- C. Ambrosch-Draxl (Univ. Graz, Austria) and her group
yliY M. Bagheri (Vienna): pes
- T. Charpin (Paris), elastic constants
- H. Hofstaetter and O.Koch (Vienna) iterative diagonalization
- C. Först (Vienna), afminput
- M. Jamal (Iran), scripts + 2D optimization
- K. Jorissen (Univ.Antwerp), C.Hebert (TU Wien): telnes3
- E. Kabliman (TU Vienna), arrows
- F. Karsai (TU Vienna), elast, lapwso
- D. Koller (TU Vienna), prepare_xsf_lapw
- R. Luke (Univ. Delaware), mixer
- M. Nelhiebel, P. Schattschneider (Vienna), Kevin Jorissen (Univ. Antwerp), C.Hebert (TUW): (telnes)
- P. Novák and J. Kunes (Prague), LDA+U, SO, EECE
- C. Persson (Uppsala), irreducible representations
- O. Rubel (McMasters Univ): BerriPy
- T. Ruh (Vienna): ELPA-interface, 3ddens, nlvdw
- M. Scheffler (Fritz Haber Inst., Berlin) and his group
- E. Sjöstedt and L Nordström (Uppsala, Sweden), APW+lo
- J. Sofo and J. Fuhr (Barriloche), Bader analysis
- P. Wissgott, E.Assmann and J.Kunes (TU Vienna), wien2wannier
- B. Yanchitsky and A. Timoshevskii (Kiev), sgroup
We want to thank those WIEN97 users, who reported bugs or made suggestions and thus contributed to the new version as well as
persons who have made major contributions in the development of previous versions of the code:
- R. Augustyn (Vienna), U. Birkenheuer (Munich), P. Blöchl (IBM Zürich), F. Boucher (Nantes), A. Chizmeshsya (Arizona),
R. Dohmen and J. Pichlmeier (RZG, Garching),
P. Dufek (Vienna), H. Ebert (Munich), E. Engel (Frankfurt), H. Enkisch (Dortmund), M. Fähnle (MPI Stuttgart), B. Harmon (Ames, Iowa),
Kohlhammer (Stuttgart), T. Kokalj (Ljubljana), H. Krimmel (Stuttgart), P. Louf (Vienna), I. Mazin (Washington), M.
Nelhiebel (Vienna), V. Petricek (Prague), C. Rodrigues (La Plata, Argentina), P. Schattschneider (Vienna), R. Schmid
(Frankfurt), D. Singh (Washington), H. Smolinski (Dortmund), T. Soldner (Leipzig), P. Sorantin (Vienna), S. Trickey
(Gainesville), S. Wilke (Exxon, USA), B. Winkler (Kiel)
We take this opportunity to thank for all contributions.
©2001 by P. Blaha and K. Schwarz