Program of the 20th Workshop |
9.00 | K. Schwarz (TU Wien): Opening, 20th workshop |
9:20 | Bertram Batlogg
(ETH Zürich, Switzerland): Superconductivity in the pyrochlore structure AOs2O6 |
10:20 | Coffee Break |
9:00 |
Dragan Mihailovic (Ljubljana, Slovenia): Dynamics and inhomogeneity in cuprates: Theory and experiment |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10.30 | Peter Blaha
(TU Wien): Phase transitions, orbital and charge ordering in 3d and 4d transition metal oxides |
9:00 |
Georg Madsen (Aarhus Univ., Denmark): Band structures and the search for new thermoelectric materials |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10.30 |
Michaela Küpferling, R.Grössinger, M.Pieper,
V.Corral Flores, G.Wiesinger (TU Wien): Magnetic properties of La-hexaferrites |
9:00 |
Olaf Perner, W.Hässler, C.Fischer, M.Hermann, G.Fuchs,
K.Nenkov, B.Holzapfel, L.Schulz, J.Eckert (IFW Dresden, Germany): Superconductivity in nanoscale mechanically alloyed MgB2 |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10.30 |
George Waysand (Univ. P. et M. Curie, Paris, France): Science and society in extreme conditions: Superconductivity through Hitlerism, Stalinism and Cold War |
9:00 |
Philip Walther (Univ.Wien): From entanglement to quantum computing |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10.30 |
Frank Kubel (TU Wien): Get the best from powder diffraction data |
9:00 |
Stefaan Cottenier (Leuven, Belgium): Magnetic hyperfine fields and electric field gradients of lanthanide and actinide impurities in bcc-Fe |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10.30 |
Mauricio Musso (Univ.Salzburg): The critical Raman line shape behaviour of fluid nitrogen revisited |
19:00 |
Roland Grössinger, P.Kerschl, R.Sato (TU Wien): Unusual behaviour of Sm(Co,Cu)5 in high magnetic fields |
19:00 |
Herbert Boller (Univ.Linz): The bond valence model: Applications to complex ions and solids |
19:40 |
Peter Weinberger, M.Bartel, A.Asmeier, K.Mereiter, G.Hilscher
G.Wiesinger, W.Linert (TU Wien): Variable temperature UV-VIS-NIR, IR, SQUID and synchrotron XRD experiments to understand the influence of the anion on the spin transition behaviour of Fe(II) spin-crossover compounds |
19:00 |
Martin Pieper, M.Küpferling, R.Grössinger, G.Wiesinger
(TU Wien): La-doped hexaferrites: Comparison of NMR data and band structure calculations |
19:40 |
Franz Renz (Univ.Mainz, Germany): Molecule-based materials: Concerted reactions |
19:00 |
Micro Poster Presentation: Each poster can be briefly presented in 3 minutes (3 overheads maximum) PowerPoint presentations (not recommended) need to be arranged beforehand (please contact the organizer). |
19:00 |
Wolfgang Lang, I.Puica, M.Peruzzi, J.D.Pedarnig,
D.Bäuerle (Univ.Wien): Direct observation of the depairing current in ultra thin YBCO films |
19:40 |
Franz Renz (Univ.Mainz, Germany): NASA Mars Mission |
19:00 |
Peter Weinberger (TU Wien, Austria): Slide show: Ecuador and Galapagos |